Photography and Vlogging

We  have all hit that brick wall as photographers where you lose your Mojo, in fact I see this quote again and again on social media "I've lost my Mojo".
After years of honing my photographic skills and gathering a collection of photographic equipment on my quest to become a better photographer, I started to lose sight of why I enjoyed photography so much.
I actually spent more time on social media watching photographers slog it out verbally over who's pictures are better than who's and I seemed more concerned about buying gear and upgrading it then going out and taking pictures.
After much soul searching I decided to do something about this photographic lull and combine photography with video.
I already had a YouTube channel with a few videos scattered over the years and decided to pick up where I left off making random photography videos including my 'My Gear' 'Unboxings' and 'Tutorials'.
Making these videos I found was extremely hard, I had to learn a whole new digital world which for me was fantastic, it got my mind thinking again which included focusing on my photography by combining the two.
I wanted to broaden my video horizons and decided to venture into the scary realms of vlogging to share my thoughts and feelings when out and about with my camera.

Even though I was scared to death of walking around filming my self in amongst 100's of passers-by I just rolled with it.
My first venture was to Brighton which is the video above called 'The Lazy Photographer Misses Sunrise' and the message I wanted to portray in this video was not everyone can get up for sunrise.
We always see those amazing shots of sunrises over amazing landscapes or seascapes and just look in awe and wonder how these photographers get these amazing pictures.
Well to be honest it's not rocket science it just takes a bit of effort and commitment, some of these photographers get up daily at silly o'clock going back time and time again until the light is right, sometimes travelling massive distances to amazing locations.
Now as a normal person with a normal job working extreme shifts and getting older I find it really really hard getting up at 3am, especially more than once, so this this video is to show you that you can get good shots anytime you just need to get out with your camera.
Many times I would just sit there thinking its not worth going out as the light looks crap, but in reality I was missing out, by staying in I wasn't enjoying my hobby and blaming it on Mojo.

Now the weather wasn't great on this day but that was the whole point, going out searching for pictures in non-ideal conditions during normal daylight hours, not comparing myself to other photographers work but creating my own.
Starting off at Brighton's west Pier there where benefits to photographing during the day and one was the freedom of not having to use a tripod, something I wouldn't dream of before as I used my tripod 95% of the time.
Using a tripod can be great  for creativity but also you can be creative without one so in this instance I leaned balance is the key and not to stick to one format all of the time.

Filming myself whilst doing photography was a massive learning curve but this process forced me to go out with my camera and take some pictures and I actually came away with some pretty cool shots, so I hope this message/video can help you if your Mojo has dwindled.

Make sure you check out my links and give me a follow as well, its all free so no excuses and feel free to leave a comment or ask questions about my videos or my photography.
I would be very grateful if you could share any of my videos or blogs on your social media, you have the power to help my channels grow, Thank You :-)
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